Mike Dupuis


I’m an Analyst, Engineer and Ph.D. Candidate.

I specialize at developing custom in-house software packages and data pipelines to solve complex analytical problems.

I’ve primarily work on physics-based earthquake ground-motion simulation, quantitative risk analysis, and seismic structural analysis of large concrete dams and buildings.

I am driven to solve novel technical challenges, particularly those where leveraging data analytics can drive meaningful, measurable improvements.

I’ve been fortunate to work on projects across Canada, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, and the United States.

selected publications

  1. Structures
    Seismic performance of shear wall buildings with gravity-induced lateral demands
    Michael R Dupuis, Tyler DD Best, Kenneth J Elwood, and 1 more author
    Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2014
  2. Machine Learning
    A deep-learning-based model for quality assessment of earthquake-induced ground-motion records
    Michael Dupuis, Claudio Schill, Robin Lee, and 1 more author
    Earthquake spectra, 2023
  3. Dam Safety
    Estimated Rates of Failure for Dams in the United States
    Michael Dupuis, Lucas Melo, and Glenn Rix
    Dam Safety Journal, 2023
    Presented at the Dam Safety 2023 Conference
  4. Software Dev.
    A Free Educational Software Application for the Design of Concrete Dam Components
    Michael Dupuis
    Focused on design and analysis for concrete dam structures using a GUI and Python API
  5. Earthquakes
    Subduction Megathrust Record Selection Assisted with a Deep-Learning-Based Model
    Michael Dupuis, Claudio Schill, Mike Fairhurst, and 2 more authors
    USSD Annual Conference Proceedings, 2024
    Deep-learning model application for quality assessment of large-magnitude subduction earthquake ground-motion records